3 Goddesses ~ 3 Books ~ 1 KindlePaperwhite: Gods & Heroes Part 3 of 4


Okay, let’s continue our fun and meet Bomani- Part 3.  If you missed the first post (Part 1 & 2) it’s not too late.  Click on the link.  (ALL giveaways on these posts are US/Canada.  For international entries – where Amazon available and not to exceed USD).

9am : Gods & Heroes/Part 1 – Meet Bakari of Soul Awakened ~ Giveaway – Encyclopedia Mythologica  (These books are awesome – pop-up book on steroids.  I love them so much I hate to give them away.  I only have two. Value $30)

12pm:  – Gods & Heroes/Part 2 – Meet Kendra of Soul Awakened ~ Giveaway – Ancient Egyptian Themed Tarot Cards (This is my last deck. Value $12)

3pm:  Gods & Heroes/Part 3 –  Meet Bomani of Soul Awakened ~ Giveaway – Encyclopedia Mythologica

6pm: Gods & Heroes Finale ~  Giveaway – Autographed copy of Soul Reborn  and Wicked Romance Canvas Tote Bag


Gods & Heroes/Part 3 – Meet Bomani of Soul Awakened

Murray 2012 282
Giveaway – Encyclopedia Mythologica (Value $30)



Kendra, an Egyptologist and demi-god in waiting, is the key to unlocking Bakari, the Egyptian God of Death, from his cursed slumber. Desperate to free him, she inadvertently binds herself to the god with a spell that only death will undo. To save Bakari from himself, she may have to sacrifice her innocence, and possibly her soul, before he becomes his family’s worst enemy.


Bakari awakens to a world at war and a beautiful woman who has tethered his soul to hers. In the wake of his self-destruction Kendra is his only hope of salvation, but another has vowed to keep Bakari from the one thing he craves most– his Parvana. His butterfly.



black male looking down

Chapter 3 Excerpt

Jealousy filled Bomani’s chest. What the hell was that about? Kendra was doing what his Lord commanded.

The reason failed to quell his growing irritation the longer Kendra touched Bakari’s sarcophagus. Maybe it was the sense that something so pure should not touch an object so filthy. Although beautiful to the eye, the etchings were a testament to the atrocity. Anything that odjit of a goddess touched was cursed and fetid.

Relief swept over him when Kendra asked to see the archives. The more time she spent away from that dark cell the better. Plus, he was in no rush to see Bakari again. They had never been close and their last meeting ended in a physical fight. Guilt weighted his heart. His Lord’s happiness was hinged on his son’s revival—the only fact that kept him from wishing for Kendra to fail.

She exited the cell and stuck close to his hip. The long spirals of her hair bobbed with each of her steps. The small female had gotten under his skin in the short time he had known her and her sisters, Lilly and Kit. During a rescue mission, he would never forget the terror in Kendra’s eyes when the Nehebkau’s traitor held a knife to her slender throat. She looked so small and vulnerable. In a protective rage he had snapped the huntress’ arm in half.

No one would harm any of the offspring of the Mother Goddess. Ever so long, as he had living energy in his black soul. But, that was simply his nature, he rationalized. Nothing more.

The scent of flowers tickling his nose drew his gaze down. Yeah, right. Who was he kidding? He had a crush on the small waif of a woman. A child by his age standards, he was five thousand her senior at the meager human age of twenty-two. Isis, she was so off limits it was not even funny. Not to mention, she was the daughter of the Mother Goddess, the mother of all the gods and ruler of the Creation Pantheon. Him? A warrior of the Underworld. Not even a god for all intents and purposes.

He ran a hand over his scalp. Those facts did not mitigate the warmth against his normally numb skin. Her pale, toothpick-like arm wrapped snuggly against his, as he escorted her out of the dungeon. He guessed the reason he enjoyed her company so much was the fact that when she stared at him with her big brown eyes, there was no fear in them, but warmth that heated his insides. His life had little warmth or gentleness.

Bomani walked in an unnatural gate to ensure he was not dragging her by the arm. He never wanted her uncomfortable. As they approached the assent of the steps leading out of the prison, he considered offering to carry her, but she was not an invalid.

Surprisingly, she swiftly moved up the steps with the grace of a gazelle and only a small incremental increase in her breathing and heart rate. A tiny fit body. He quickly shut off his next visions of what lay hidden beneath her oversized clothing, although not quick enough. Thankfully, mastery of his cravings staved off any physical arousal.

Unexpectedly, Kendra drew closer to him. Her small perky breast brushed innocently against his arm. He swallowed the hiss that threatened to escape his throat. She warmed more than his skin this time.

He needed to break this fixation. Hell, she had been through enough. She had lost her father and her world had been turned upside down. Last thing she needed was more complications, like an infatuated warrior who knew better. Embarrassed, an insufficient word to describe how he would feel. She would think him a heathen. Where was his honor now? He cursed silently.

Bomani pulled to a stop ten steps from freedom. He looked at her from the side afraid if he turned he might accidentally brush up against her. He would not be able to control what came next. “Do you think you can make it the rest of the way? I will soon follow to show you the library.”

“Sure. Meet at my room?”

Bomani nodded and released her arm. Maybe separating himself would break the spell she cast on him.

She bounced up the rest of the steps and out into the light. She smiled. “Thank you, you know, for keeping me safe.”

Gods, he was going to rot in Duat. “Anytime.” He bowed.

When she turned to leave, he extinguished the torches and leaned against the stone wall. The weight of his fatigue crashed upon his shoulders. Her departure took the last of his strength with her.

Kendra would have to wait a little longer, he realized. He had to honor his fallen warriors. Menthu’s army had been more effective than he wanted to admit. Despite the Underworld legion’s victory at the Battle of Thebes, Bomani had lost numerous brothers in the fight.

He leaned his head against the cold wall, pained at the thought of so many souls destroyed. Even though new warriors would be born from the souls returned to the Underworld waters, the loss of even one brother was a burden he hated to carry.

He hefted his sore body up the steps and slammed the heavy iron door behind him. He stalked the hallway toward Asar’s office, his mood now sullen.

The unmarred skin between the scarifications tingled with heat the minute he rounded the corner. Bright flowing light pierced the dim palace hall. His gaze targeted the Protector god being escorted by a wall of guardians.

A Creation god in Aaru. What nerve.

The burning of his skin reminded him of the differences between the Pantheons. One of death. One of life. Balanced, but unable to mix. The Carrigan sisters seemed to be the only exception to that rule. He experienced no pain when he was around Kendra, despite her Creation lineage.

“Bast,” he hissed under his breath. Their Creation cousins had found it beneath them to assist in the battle against Menthu, which only reinforced his distaste of them.

The only way she was here was by Asar’s invitation. No one entered Aaru, the Paradise Isle of the Underworld, without the expressed consent of its Lord. Considering the circumstances he was shocked she was here. Bast had attempted to kidnap Kendra’s sister and Asar’s new wife, Lilly. Bast would have succeeded if Bomani had not shown up at the exact moment.

He frowned, regretting he had sent Kendra on alone. Bast could very easily snatch her away, even with the warriors present. With fists clenched Bomani forged toward the goddess, burning skin or not.

“Well, well. Look who is here,” he spat. Her smile flared his fury.

“Bomani. How nice it is to see you again,” she purred. Her gaze shifted down his torso and stopped. She arched her eyebrows. “Yes, very nice to see you again.” Her green eyes flicked to meet his, an unholy glow of arousal about them. “What have you been up too?” Her gaze shifted down to his bulging pants.

He ground his teeth. The goddess may be beautiful by all standards with her flowing brown hair and piercing green eyes, but like hell would he even entertain the idea of bedding her. It would not be the first time in his existence that a Creation goddess looked for a forbidden romp in the sack. He was not that desperate for a release. “Well in case you missed it, we are at war. Huge battle at Thebes. Oh, that is right, you missed it,” he growled.

She narrowed her eyes. “Do you address your master in such a disrespectful manner?”

Master? He stepped forward pushing a blast of cold energy into her. Despite her skin rising up in fine goose bumps, she stared defiantly back. Protector gods were some of the most powerful of their kind. Regardless, he wanted it abundantly clear, he did not give a corpse’s ass who she was.

Based on the smile and delight in her eyes, she had gotten the reaction she wanted. He had been played, which only stoked his already burning anger. “You are in my world, Goddess. Your status has no weight here.”

“Such tension in your voice, Commander. Perhaps, you need some relief from your…current condition.”

The numb touch of fingers grazed his arm. He barely restrained himself from twisting her wrist a good one. He leaned in, his lips a fraction from her ear. “Let us be clear about this. Never. Ever. Going to happen.”

Bast pursed her lips together in an exaggerated pout. “Do not be too sure about that. Conditions can change.” She smiled again. “But, your words are fitting.” She leaned into his ear with her hands pressed to his chest. Her hot breath stung his skin and her lips grazed the edge of his ear. “Because she was not made for you.”

Blood and Sword



Giveaway ~ To enter to win Encyclopedia Mythologica + 25 extra entries for Kindle Paperwhite

1. Add Soul Awakened to your Goodreads List (10 entries)

2.  Add Soul Reborn to your Goodreads List (10 entries)

3.  Friend Jean Murray on Goodreads (5 entries)

4.  Answer Poll below 🙂

5.  Leave a comment with your entries (Name/email)


Great work.  Now off to Lynn’s for more prizes and entries.  http://www.lynnrush.com/blog


Filed under Events, Giveaway, Heroes, Uncategorized

30 responses to “3 Goddesses ~ 3 Books ~ 1 KindlePaperwhite: Gods & Heroes Part 3 of 4

  1. Crystal Woodmancy

    Added books, Added Jean on Goodreads, and answered poll 🙂
    I hope that your book has good success and you keep writing!
    Crystal Woodmancy

  2. kellyatx

    Added books, Added Jean on Goodreads, and answered poll
    Kelly Powell

  3. Pingback: 3 Goddesses ~ 3 Books ~ 1 KindleWhite: Gods & Heroes Part 3 of 4 | zeebooks's Blog

  4. YAYYY!!! By the way, I love the background of this blog!

    +10 Added Soul Awakeend
    +10 Added Soul Reborn
    +5 Friended

    (all from the account of Alyssa Susanna – http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/8472395-alyssa)

    Thank you!

    Alyssa Susanna
    lilleetleet AT verizon DOT net

  5. Hooray! I just signed up for a Goodreads account today, completely independently of this contest. Already paying off for me lol thewritepursuit at gmail

  6. Already had the 3 on Goodreads. 😉

  7. I am so excited about the latest installment in the Key to the Cursed series!

  8. Tin

    I answered the poll.

    Great excerpt!

    – Tin ( khriscc at yahoo dot com)

  9. +10 Added Soul Awakeend
    +10 Added Soul Reborn
    +5 Friended
    Goodreads TBR shelf here-http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/13774776?shelf=to-read
    User name-Marlena Fein
    Thanks for sharing the excerpt. Although it is outside of my normal genre it is very enjoyable! Sorry I am so late. My Internet company didn’t understand that it was IMPORTANT for me to be on today. 🙂

    Best wishes,

  10. Having already read Soul Reborn, it’s already on my Goodreads list (woot)! I did add Soul Awakened and we are already friends on Goodreads. Yay!

  11. Look forward to reading these!

  12. Pingback: #Kindle Paperwhite still up for grabs | Lynn Rush

  13. Kathy S

    It’s not only on my Goodreads list, it’s on my GottaRead soon list!

  14. Pingback: Not too late: 3 Goddesses ~ 3 Books ~ 1 BIG Giveaway | Wicked Romance Blog

  15. bn100

    Added Soul Awakened to Goodreads
    Added Soul Reborn to Goodreads
    voted in poll

  16. Pingback: Last Chance- ends Jan 29, 3013: 3 Goddesses ~ 3 Books ~ 1 BIG Giveaway | Wicked Romance Blog

  17. Shadow

    Hi! 🙂
    I added Soul Awakened & Soul Reborn to my to-read list on goodreads
    I friended and fanned you on goodreads: Shadow Kohler
    I voted too!

  18. Shannon Bereza

    I added both to my to-be-read list on Goodreads. I also friended on Goodreads and answered my favorite color on there! I also voted in the poll.

  19. Pingback: Winners Announced: 3 Goddesses ~ 3 Books ~ 1 BIG Giveaway | Wicked Romance Blog

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